'/www/htdocs/w0086d51/fdw/_tmp/', // string: absolute path (with trailing slash!) to a writeable tempfolder which is also accessible via HTTP! 'TTF_folder' => '/www/htdocs/w0086d51/fdw/ttf/', // string: absolute path (with trailing slash!) to folder which contains your TrueType-Fontfiles. // mixed (array or string): basename(s) of TrueType-Fontfiles 'TTF_RANGE' => array('Activa.ttf','Angelina.ttf','American.ttf','Bodaico.ttf'), 'chars' => 3, // integer: number of chars to use for ID 'minsize' => 20, // integer: minimal size of chars 'maxsize' => 30, // integer: maximal size of chars 'maxrotation' => 25, // integer: define the maximal angle for char-rotation, good results are between 0 and 30 'noise' => TRUE, // boolean: TRUE = noisy chars | FALSE = grid 'websafecolors' => FALSE, // boolean 'refreshlink' => TRUE, // boolean 'lang' => 'de', // string: ['en'|'de'] 'maxtry' => 3, // integer: [1-9] 'badguys_url' => '/', // string: URL 'secretstring' => 'A very, very secret string which is used to generate a md5-key!', 'secretposition' => 24, // integer: [1-32] 'debug' => FALSE ); $captcha = new hn_captcha($CAPTCHA_INIT); ?> Die Frage der Woche #header { background-image: url(images/Kalenderblatt_header_'.substr($akt_woche,0,4).substr($akt_woche,4).'.jpg); background-position: center top; background-repeat: no-repeat; height: 293px; } #navlist { animation:fade 2000ms infinite; -webkit-animation:fade 2000ms infinite; } @keyframes fade { from { opacity: 1.0; } 50% { opacity: 0.5; } to { opacity: 1.0; } } @-webkit-keyframes fade { from { opacity: 1.0; } 50% { opacity: 0.5; } to { opacity: 1.0; } } '; } //*****KALENDERBLATT**ENDE********************************************************************************** ?>
Woche '.substr($akt_woche,4).'/'.substr($akt_woche,0,4).''; ?>
=200535; $i=$i-1) { $fdw_datei="/www/htdocs/w0086d51/fdw/questions/".$i.".txt"; $vorhandenw[$i]=file_exists($fdw_datei); if ($vorhandenw[$i]) $anzahl_history_fragen=$anzahl_history_fragen+1; } ?>